Why we believe the Bible is true

  1. The Bible is collection of 66 books written over a span of 1,500-2,000 years by 40 different authors.
  2. There is complete unity of the overall message throughout the Old and New Testament.
  3. Out of approximately 2,500 prophecies (predictions) found in the Bible, over 2,000 of them have already been fulfilled in detail, without error.
  4. There are over 24,000 original manuscripts of Bible segments surviving today, making it the most accurately copied piece of literature in history.
  5. Archeological evidence has been discovered that supports the people, events, and timeline of the Bible. No evidence has been found to contradict the Bible.
  6. There are other historical writings outside of the Bible that support the people, events and message of the Bible.

Section Title

  • 1. The Bible is collection of 66 books written over a span of 1,500-2,000 years by 40 different authors.

  • 2. There is complete unity of the overall message throughout the Old and New Testament.

  • List Item

    3. Out of approximately 2,500 prophecies (predictions) found in the Bible, over 2,000 of them have already been fulfilled in detail, without error.