missions at central

kingdom advancer spotlight

  • pittsburgh dream center

    The Pittsburgh Dream Center is volunteer-driven and ministers to over 1000 people monthly in McKeesport and Downtown Pittsburgh. Their vision is to reach out to people who feel forgotten and excluded, leading them to transformed, whole, successful, purposeful lives.

    Learn More                   

Kingdom Advancers

Being a personal witness for Jesus is how the kingdom of God advances. It is one of the Spiritual wells we are re-digging as part of our 2027 Vision. We want to implement ways to make being a witness for Jesus more practical and more effective, and the great news is, everyone who follows Jesus, has the Holy Spirit to help them. 

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2024 giving goals

Total missions goal: $185,000

  • thailand missions project

    2024 Goal: $20,000 (Included in Total Missions Goal)

    Learn More


The Central Ministry Center at Washington Estates exists to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are hurt and broken within the Washington Estates community and is located at 832 Governor Circle, Washington, PA 15301.

Contact Michael Turner, CMC Director

  • June 10th - August 2nd • 12:15-1:30pm

    Each summer we take part in a community food program by offering the children of Washington Estates a free lunch during the summer months. The Lunch Program run Mondays - Fridays from 12:15-1:30pm at the Central Ministry Center at Washington Estates. If you are looking for a simple way to share the love of Jesus this summer, we encourage you to volunteer. Click the link below and complete a brief form to let us know the days you might be available to help. There are opportunities to help weekly, monthly or selectively based on your schedule.


  • Men of Washington Estates and Central are welcome on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm for refreshments, fellowship, Bible study, and games at the CMC Mobile. 

    Led by Michael Turner

    I'm Interested in Attending

  • On the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month at 6:30pm, we open the doors of the Ministry Center to the ladies at Washington Estates for a relaxing time of food and fun with an encouraging word and prayer. 

    Led by Cindi Peterson

  • The After School Program at Washington Estates exists to share the love of Jesus with families in the community by helping students with their schoolwork. The program runs Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm at the Central Ministry Center. Students are welcomed, given a snack, taught about Jesus and helped with their homework. If you would like to volunteer or simply learn more about our work at Washington Estates, please click the link below.

    Learn More and Volunteer