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hurricane relief

  • INTEREST MEETING: Wednesday, Oct. 23 • 6PM • Conference Room

    TRIP 1: Oct. 26th-Nov. 2nd
    TRIP 2: Nov. 4th-11th

    (Dates subject to change)

    Christ in Action is a ministry that helps with relief efforts in areas hit by natural and other disasters. They use teams of volunteers to assist communities in the rebuilding process. You do not have to have any special experience to be part of a clean up team, just healthy and willing to work wherever needed. Meals and lodging are provided, but you are responsible for your transportation to the location where we will be working. Central is planning on sending a team. If you are interested in going, fill out the interest form below by October 23. More details will be communicated at our Interest Meeting on Wednesday, October 23 at 6pm in the Conference Room. 

    GO (interest form)

  • Pastor Appreciation Month

    October is Pastor Appreciation month and we want to make sure our pastoral team knows just how much we love them! All month long there will be a card box in the foyer where you can place cards of encouragement for each of the pastors. Then on Sunday, October 20 we will take up a special offering to bless our pastors and their families. There are many ways you can say, “thank you” and celebrate our pastors this October and all year long, so pray, be creative and have fun blessing this amazing team!

  • cca's veterans day program

    November 8th • 9AM in the Sanctuary

    Central Christian Academy's Annual Veterans Day Program honors all those who have served and are currently serving in our military. This year's guest speaker, Eric McElvenny, served as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps. He was wounded during combat action by an IED. He has also competed as a triathlete in the Paralympics. RSVP to cca@ccaschool.com or 724.746.4902 to attend


    Now Active

    Our goal is for everyone who calls Central home to be involved in a discipleship group of some kind in order to grow in your faith and in turn disciple others. Click the link below to see what is being offered this fall and sign up for one or more!


kingdom advancer spotlight

christ in action

Christ In Action, founded in 1982 by Dr. Denny & Sandy Nissley, has grown into an international ministry touching lives around the world. In the late 90’s the focus shifted from street ministry to disaster relief, ministering to those in need as Jesus did (Matthew 25:40). Today with a volunteer base of thousands, and a million dollars of equipment CIA is Bringing Hope to America’s Families and beyond.

Learn More                  

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Sunday mornings before each service