Everyone wants a place to belong—a place where they are seen, loved, and given room to grow. For us, that place is Central. It’s more than a church; it’s a family, a home where we’ve built meaningful connections and witnessed God move in extraordinary ways. We warmly invite you and your family to join us for worship and experience the transforming power of Jesus. There’s a place for you here!
- Pastors Kurt & Charisse
- Pastors Kurt & Charisse
Central Assembly of God
155 McGovern Road
Houston, PA 15342
155 McGovern Road
Houston, PA 15342
Sunday Mornings
8:30 & 10:30 AM Services
With Central Kids Ministry (Nursery - 5th Grade)
8:30 & 10:30 AM Services
With Central Kids Ministry (Nursery - 5th Grade)
Our mission is to produce a unified family of believers being transformed by Jesus and empowered to live supernaturally while advancing the Kingdom of God everywhere we go!

As a part of the Assemblies of God fellowship, we believe the Bible is God's absolute Word and the ultimate guide to living. Jesus Christ, our Messiah, is the Son of the one true God. He was crucified for all sin, buried, and rose from the dead on the third day. We believe in the Holy Spirit as a divine separate but equal part of the Trinity. He is God's breath and is present and active in every believer's life. We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit, with evidence of speaking in tongues, is for all who believe. God designed His church for a mission and accomplished it through discipleship. We want to be a church that advances the Kingdom of God everywhere we go.
We're a family of believers, united by the Holy Spirit, welcoming everyone to receive and extend God's love so we can grow in faith and care for one another authentically. Our family environment is about honoring each other's strengths, valuing one another's uniqueness, and living generously.
God wants to make us like Jesus. Transformation comes through God's presence, love, and power in our personal lives. In addition, it comes through ongoing worship, discipleship, and relationships within the church. Following Christ daily lays down our sinful nature and selfish ways, making us new and free.
The Holy Spirit empowers everyone to impact others eternally. This empowerment comes through Biblical teaching, leadership training, and hands-on application. The result is a supernatural lifestyle characterized by salvations, healings, deliverance, love, compassion and generosity.
It is our mission to advance the Kingdom of God worldwide so that nations can be discipled and the lost can be reached. As a sending agency, we contribute to the advancement of His Kingdom. As a result, people are released to multiply their God-given influence in their home, community, school, career, marketplace, mission field, and around the world.

Our campus is busy with various ministries throughout the week. Take a look at what else is hosted on our campus!