See you tonight for Overflow Worship & Prayer at 6pm


Kingdom Builders is how our church family practices regular generosity to spread the gospel through special projects.

1. How should I give to the Lord at Central?
We desire that you start by giving what the Bible calls the Tithe, the first 10% of your income, to the Lord as an act of obedience. We do this because we want to honor the Lord, not because of religious tradition. Then, anything above and beyond that can be given to Kingdom Builders as an act of generosity.
2. What should I do if I used to give to benevolence, building fund, missions or another fund that is no longer listed?
We ask that you prayerfully consider giving anything above and beyond your Tithe to Kingdom Builders. Your Tithe, and general giving, now helps support our missionaries and benevolence fund. Your Kingdom Builders giving will help support 16 different projects that include global missions, local church expansion and future Christian leaders.
3. How can I give my Tithe, and to Kingdom Builders, regularly?
The easiest way is to set up recurring giving by choosing your preferred ‘frequency’ while giving online. This way, you choose to honor the Lord with your giving before paying any other bills. You can set these gifts up separately, or you can give to both funds at one time by clicking on ‘add another fund.’
4. What is Kingdom Builders?
Kingdom Builders is how our church family practices regular generosity to spread the gospel through special projects. From our youngest child who chooses to give, to our most senior adult, the profile of a Kingdom Builder is the same. A Kingdom Builder is an individual, or family, who prayerfully commits to give above and beyond their tithes to global missions, local church expansion, and future Christian leaders.
5. What does my Kingdom Builders giving go toward specifically?
We have 16 different projects for 2025 that your Kingdom Builders giving will go toward. See the booklet for more information. We will highlight several throughout the year where everything given to Kingdom Builders during that month will go directly to that specific project. Other months, your giving will be allocated between the rest of the projects. 
6. How will we know when Kingdom Builders projects have reached their goal?
We will be highlighting several projects throughout the year where we would communicate when the goal has been reached. We are also considering different ways to keep the church informed on overall Kingdom Builders giving and how it is funding each of the projects. We will keep the church posted when this means of communication is finalized.

7. The Kingdom Builders booklet has an overall Giving Goal, so why are there not individual goals for each project?
The current overall Giving Goal is a close estimate. We are working diligently to finalize specific project goals and will communicate those at Annual Highlights, on March 23rd at 6:00pm.

8. What if I really like a few Kingdom Builders projects, but am not interested in others?
We ask that you prayerfully consider giving to the overall Kingdom Builders fund even if some projects capture your heart more than others. When we give to one fund, our giving is combined with others, and that will have a greater impact than many people giving to individual projects.

9. What if I want to make a significant gift to a specific Kingdom Builders project?
It would become too cumbersome for our bookkeeping to manage hundreds of designated project donations. However, if you desire to make a large impact on one project, contact the church to ask if this project will be highlighted during a specific month, and then be intentional to give during that month. You may also contact the church to arrange a donation toward a project if it helps fulfill a significant amount of that goal.

10. What if we surpass our Kingdom Builders goal? What if we don’t reach it?
We believe God will provide enough to reach our goal! Anything given beyond our goal will be prayerfully allocated to a few of the projects where we feel the most impact can be made. However, if we do not reach our goal, then we will give thanks to God for everything that has been given, and will determine which projects get transferred to the next year until fulfilled.

11. How will Central give to missionaries now that there is not a missions giving option?
Our missionaries, and ministry partners, will receive their funding from 10% of everything given to our General Fund, which is made up of Tithes and general offerings. We want to operate our church by the same principle we desire our households to function, which is giving our first 10% to the Lord! The way we do that as a church is by giving to missions. Everyone who gives to our General Fund is now participating in giving to missions.

12. Will we end up giving less to missions now that people cannot give directly to a missions fund?
We will actually give approximately 86% MORE to missions this year by using this new strategy of giving the first 10% of our General Fund donations to missions. This is possible because we are calculating our missions giving off of our General Fund, rather than waiting to see what comes in through a specific missions fund.