what does it mean to thrive with jesus?

Join a Group at Central and you will:
  • connect with other believers and make disciples
  • be transformed by the word of God
  • be empowered to live supernaturally
  • impact others to advance the kingdom of God


begins the week of SEPTEMBER 2!

Details on the upcoming session arriving soon!

  • LADIES BIBLE STUDY - The Grave Robber: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible by Mark Batterson

    Mark Batterson invites you on a remarkable journey to the Holy Land, to the very spots Jesus chose to reveal His power through miraculous signs. Mark shares true stories of modern-day miracles and brings to light the countless everyday miracles we take for granted--miracles that point us toward the One who healed the sick, calmed the storm, and yes, even raised the dead. Miracles are not simply something Jesus did in the past--they're something He wants to do now, in the present. If you long to see God work in miraculous ways in your life, you will love this faith-building, life-giving message. There is no book to buy for this series. Starts July 2

    Tuesdays at 10:00am • Rock Student Center • Leaders: Cindi Peterson

    THE WOMEN OF GENESIS - Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs

    A spiteful boss, a defiant employee, a manipulative mother, a desperate housewife, an envious sister…honey, we know these women. We’ve lived with them, worked with them, or caught a glimpse of them in our mirrors.Now let’s take a look at their ancient counterparts in Scripture: Sarah mistreated her maidservant, Hagar despised her mistress, Rebekah manipulated her son, Leah claimed her sister’s husband, and Rachel envied her fertile sister. They were far from evil, but hardly perfect. Mostly good, yet slightly bad. In other words, these matriarchal mamas look a lot like us.  Join us on Zoom each week as we study these fascinating women from Genesis. Starts June 4

    Tuesdays at 7:00pm • Zoom only - space is limited • Leader: Teresa Coburn

    JOY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP We will continue to look in depth at the book of Romans.  In Romans, Paul beautifully shares the plan of salvation and how to live out our Christian faith. This study will fill you with hope as you learn the truth of God's word. We invite all who would like to attend to meet with us every Wednesday as we study together this grace filled letter.

    Wednesdays at 10:00am • Rock Student Center • Leader: Rev. Jim Levkulich

    WEEKLY PRAYER GATHERING - All are invited to come to the Prayer Room each Wednesday evening, before Groups begin, for a time of worship and prayer. The meeting will last from 6:00-6:45pm so everyone has enough time to get to their chosen Group.

    Wednesdays at 6:00pm • Prayer Room • Leader: Phyllis Neff

    LEVKULICH BIBLE STUDY - In the upcoming session we will take a look at teachings from the Tabernacle found in the Old Testament. It has been said that when studying the Bible it is important to remember that the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. We realize as New Testament believers that we are partakers of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and that He is the New Testament Tabernacle. That being true, it is still important to realize that there are many important spiritual truths to be studied and understood in the study of the Old Testament Tabernacle. It will be our purpose to explore some of these truths knowing that they are but pictures and shadows that find their reality in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an exciting study and all are invited to join with us.

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Sanctuary • Leader: Rev. Jim Levkulich

    REDEMPTIVE GIFTS & YOUR GODLY IDENTITY - It is clear that we are not all alike. The Creator made us different from one another and we were all created for a specific and unique purpose. When we really know who we are, and how God has created us, we will not be threatened by those who are different from us. The Bible indicates a variety of gifts and functions in which people can operate. Every gift will result in a person functioning differently (1 Corth. 12 vs 4-6). We will be using a video series provided by teacher, Mary Harasyn to give insight into each of the seven redemptive (motivational) gifts. 

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • FLC RM 2/4 • Leader: Bill Speer

    SPIRITUAL ABUSE RECOVERY - Spiritual abuse has a devastating effect on people. Since a very high level of trust is often placed in spiritual leaders, it is, and ought to be, expected that the trust will be honored and guarded. When such trust is violated, the wound is very deep. Sometimes the wound is so deep the wounded person cannot trust even a legitimate spiritual authority again. Besides an unhealthy fear of, and disillusionment with, spiritual authorities, the spiritually abused person may find it difficult to trust even God. “How could (or why did) He let this happen to me?” It is hoped that those who have been subjected to spiritual abuse will find The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook by David Henke to be a helpful tool in their journey to recovery from their emotional wounds as well as to find healing in their relationship with God.

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • FLC RM 5 • Leader: Judith Huyett

  • LADIES' GATHERINGS - Are you looking for an extended family of ladies centered on Jesus? Join us at 6:30pm on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month at Central’s Ministry Center at Washington Estates. We eat, develop relationships, pray and take a look at God’s Word. It’s fun and a good time to impact one another to become faithful disciples of Jesus. Contact Cindi Peterson for more information.

    2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:30pm I Central Ministry Center at Washington Estates I Leader: Cindi Peterson

    MEN'S NIGHT OUT - Regardless of the stage of a man's walk with God we want to be supportive and encouraging to every man at Central and within the community at Washington Estates. This is not a traditional bible study or class where we follow along in a book. It is purely relational. There is no commitment to the number of evenings a person has to attend. We want men of Central to participate as the Lord places on their heart to do so.

    Tuesdays at 7:00pm I Central Ministry Center at Washington Estates I Leader: Michael Turner

    BASKETBALL OPEN GYM - Hey Guys, you are welcome to join us in the gym on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month to shoot some hoops, share some laughs and a brief devotional to encourage one another. This is a great way to invite friends, who may not want to come on a Sunday morning, to church.

    2nd and 4th Fridays at 7:00pm I CCA Gym I Leaders: Christian Braughler & Jordan Turk