Join a Group at Central and you will:
  • connect with other believers
  • be transformed by the word of God
  • be empowered to live supernaturally
  • impact others to advance the kingdom of God

find the right group for you

  • THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD - "What is God like?" For A.W. Tozer, there was no question more important. In fact, Tozer's desire to know God and His fullness consumed his entire life and ministry. Originally preached as sermons, The Attributes of God, examines ten attributes of God. Steeped in Scripture and filled with the Spirit, Tozer preached with striking clarity and power. The sense of his sermons comes through on every page, bringing the Word of God to bear upon you. This book also contains a study guide. We will be taking a journey into the Father's heart as we learn who God truly is. . .and how we can embrace all of His attributes every day. 

    Mondays at 7:00pm • The Braughler Home • Starting September 9 • Cost: Price of Book • Leaders: Dale & Teresa Braughler

    THE TRUE NATURE OF GOD - As believers, we recognize that eternal life is all about relationship with the Lord. In John 17:3 Jesus said, "Now this is ETERNAL LIFE: that they know You, the only TRUE GOD, and JESUS CHRIST, whom You have sent." If you are allowing your understanding of the Old Testament or your religious or human perspectives to ECLIPSE the TRUE NATURE OF GOD, this group will help you learn how God wants to share His intimate LOVE for each of us so we can TRUST HIM to act in our BEST interest NO MATTER WHAT THE SITUATION.

    Tuesdays at 7:00pm • ZOOM • Starting September 17 • Cost: Price of Book • Leader: Terry Molitaris

    CENTRAL MOMS AM & PM - Hey, Moms of Central! Are you looking for a place to connect? A place to dive deep into the Bible so you can learn and challenge yourself to become a better mom, wife, friend and daughter of King? Join us for Central Moms! During our Tuesday meetings we will dive into different topics to challenge and inspire us in our faith and on Thursday mornings we will focus more on in-depth bible studies. Childcare available for each session. 

    PM Edition • 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00pm • Fellowship Hall • Leader: Jamie Andreola (starting Sept. 24)

    AM Edition • 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 9:00am • Rock Student Center • Leader: Jamie Andreola (starting Sept. 19)

    FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH - This is a 12-part Bible study designed to help you stand firm and grow strong in your Christian walk. Using The Purple Book as our guide, you will gain a solid understanding of the Bible and build a strong foundation of faith that no storm in life can demolish. You will also develop a heart shaped and guided by the knowledge of God’s Word.

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Location FLC Rm 1 • Leader: Pastor Tom McKee

    MEANT FOR GOOD - Meant for Good is a power-packed, video-based Bible study that looks at the truth that you can trust God's plans for your life - no matter what it looks like right now. Dynamic Bible teacher Megan Fate Marshman will help you discover how to step into the hopeful future God has for you. With authenticity and revealing insights into the character of God, we will unpack Jeremiah 29:11-14 and what exactly is meant by "good" from God's perspective. Through engaging group activities, personal study in-between sessions, and insightful video teaching, Meant for Good will redefine your perspective on who and what matter most in your life. Megan will teach you that trusting God with everything - yes, EVERYTHING - is a life of adventure you simply couldn't plan for yourself. Women 18+

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Location: FLC Rm 3 • Cost: $12 • Leader: Christie Gray

    OVERCOMERS: A STUDY IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION - This study takes us through each chapter of Revelation and shows us the practical relevance for our lives right now. Encouraging us that in spite of what we are experiencing in the world, Jesus is on his throne! We can live confidently, knowing that God has set us in a divinely appointed time and place. Along with the book of Revelation, we will use Matt Chandler's study, Overcomers, to guide our discussions. 

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Location: FLC Rm 2/4 • Cost: $18 • Leaders: Andrew & Debbie Neff

    IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY - Life often looks so very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. We feel disappointed and disillusioned, and we quietly start to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness. In It's Not Supposed to Be This Way, Lysa Terkeurst helps us to: stop being pulled into the anxiety of disappointment, train ourselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so we can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes, discover the secret of being steadfast and not panicking when God actually does give us more than we can handle, and so much more. You will be encouraged and in turn be able to encourage others during difficult times.

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Location: FLC Rm 6 • Cost: $28 (book/workbook set) • Leaders: David & Niki Crouse

  • JOY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP - On Wednesday mornings  we will study the Book of Genesis with a special emphasis on

    the creation account and the spiritual and practical teachings it has for us as New Testament believers. Genesis is one of the most interesting and controversial books in the Bible and must be studied carefully and prayerfully. You are invited to come and search the scriptures together with us. We will be discussing the scientific and historical aspects as well as the archeological data that has been recently uncovered that verifies and confirms the Biblical account of creation. Hope to see you there.

    Wednesdays at 10:00am • Rock Student Center • Leader: Rev. Jim Levkulich

    LEVKULICH BIBLE STUDY - The old testament tabernacle and temple are meant to be types of the spiritual reality in Christ Jesus who is the real temple of God. Every dimension, piece of material, article of furniture, sacrifice offered and feast day celebrated points to Him. The Lord Jesus is our all in all. He is our Great High Priest. This study is for the purpose of understanding the old testament types as they find their fulfillment in Him.

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Sanctuary • Leader: Rev. Jim Levkulich

    REMEMBER - Throughout the Bible we are told to remember. To remember our first love, His commands and ways, what the Lord has done, His compassion and unfailing love and so much more, but often the struggles of life cause us to forget. Starting in Genesis and moving through the Bible, we will begin a journey of remembrance so we live our lives firmly planted in the goodness of God. 

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Location: CCA Teacher's Lounge • Leader: Carl Sprowls

    FINDING YOUR PLACE IN THE BODY OF CHRIST - Ladies, we were all created for a purpose. As believers we are made alive in Christ to do the good works He created in advance for us to do. These principles are clearly laid out for us by the Apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians. Join us this Fall as we jump into this powerful book to learn who we are in Christ and where we fit in the Body of Christ. For Women 18+

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Location: Fellowship Hall • Starting September 25 • Leader: Sue Willis

    BIBLICAL CITIZENSHIP - Throughout our history, American pastors and churches have played a vital role in the establishment and

    preservation of religious and civil liberty. We will be going through the Bible and American history to rediscover the secret sauce that produces a prosperous society when Biblical principles are applied. Being salt and light requires knowledge of the culture we are attempting to preserve and influence as we fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples of all nations.

    Thursdays at 6:00pm • FLC Rm 1 • Starting September 12 • Cost: $20 • Leaders: Dianne and David Little

  • W.I.N.G.S. (WOMEN IN GOD'S SERVICE) - Women of all ages are invited to a unique gathering, where relationships with each other are intentionally promoted. As we study scripture, and build our relationship with our Heavenly Father, we find ways to connect to each other.

    WINGS is a safe place to share, an acceptable place to cry, a warm place to pray and ask for help, and a hopeful place to find encouragement. And we have fun too!

    Mondays @ 10:30am • Green Room (Main Building) • Leader: Phyllis Neff

    THE HOLY SPIRIT: ACTIVATING GOD'S POWER IN YOUR LIFE - Men, have you ever wondered who the Holy Spirit is , and what exactly does He do? The Holy Spirit: Activating God's Power in Your Life by Billy Graham offers a comprehensive portrait of this much discussed, but often misunderstood, member of the Trinity. The truth is exciting, revolutionary power is available exclusively to you as a Christian. It's the supernatural power to transform human nature, to enable you to be the salt and light to your world, to help you face any crisis, and to bring about a dramatic but peaceful revolution in those around you. You cannot buy this extraordinary power, nor can you find it by searching the earth for it. As a Christian it resides in you already, an awesome gift from God that you have only to claim and use once you know and accept its Source. This Fall we will open our eyes anew to see how the Spirit can transform our lives and give us the power to be truly good and live victoriously. Space is limited - Registration required

    Wednesdays at 7:00pm • Location: FLC Rm 5 • Cost: price of book • Leader: Chi Fisher

  • GRIEFSHARECoping with the loss of a loved one can be a difficult and lonely time, but there is hope. GriefShare is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way. Cost: $20 (only if you need a workbook)

    Mondays at 6:30pm • starting August 19 • Zoom • REGISTER HERE

    Saturdays at 9:30am • starting August 24 • FLC Rm 2/4 • REGISTER HERE

    A TIME TO HEAL BEYOND SURVIVAL - Ladies, if you’re lost, hurting or broken and you’re ready to move past your pain, consider attending A Time to Heal Beyond Survival. This confidential small group ministry, which runs for 8 weeks, helps survivors of various traumas, including sexual abuse and rape, to heal forward. You’ll be encouraged through Bible-based teachings, where you’ll have the opportunity to process trauma in a safe environment- and take steps toward freedom and healing. Space is limited - registration required

    Tuesdays at 6:30pm • starting September 24 • Central Transformation Center • REGISTER HERE • Leader: Debbie Neff

  • WEEKLY MORNING PRAYER GATHERING - Every Monday morning from 9:30 -10:15am you are invited to come to the Prayer Room for a time of worship and prayer. This is a time to lift up the needs of one another, our church family, community, nation and world. 

    Mondays at 9:30am • Prayer Room • Leader: Donna Matscherz

    WEEKLY EVENING PRAYER GATHERING - All are invited to come to the Prayer Room each Wednesday evening, before Groups begin, for a time of worship and prayer. The meeting will last from 6:00-6:45pm so everyone has enough time to get to their chosen Group.

    Wednesdays at 6:00pm • Prayer Room • Leader: Phyllis Neff